Friday, 28 February 2014

Napoleon Bonaparte

Take a look at this Khan Academy video on the Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Khan Academy Video on Napoleon Bonaparte

In the comments, identify how Napoleon used Nationalism to his advantage.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The French Revolution

Here is a list of causes of the French Revolution.  Indicate which were underlying causes and which were immediate causes.

  • Debt
  • Bread Shortage
  • Unequal Social Structure (3 estates)
  • The Calling of the Estates General
  • Royal Spending habits\
  • Emergence of the Bourgeoisie
  • Storming of the Bastille

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Activity#4- The Development of Nationalism

We look at  the American Revolution as an example to show how nationalism can develop within a group of people.  Watch this Crash Course in World History episode and then identify something that helped develop a sense of nationalism in the 13 Colonies.  Respond in the comments section.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Activity #3- What kinds of Nationalism exist?

Nationalism comes in many forms.  What are the some of the different kinds of nationalism that we studied?  Fill in the blanks of this chart.

If you want to print this form off, here is the link to a Google Doc

Form of Nationalism
Ethnic Nationalism

Citizens are united by a sense of duty to the country or preserving the laws and constitution of the land.  
Joining the Army
Religious/Spiritual Nationalism

Citizens are united by a common language

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Activity #2 Which image is the best example of a nation?

Take a look at these images.  Which one do you think is the best example of a nation based on what we learnt in class.  Explain your answer.  Put your answer in the the comment section.

Boston Red Sox
Saskatchewan Roughriders
Map of Europe

Monday, 17 February 2014

Review Activity #1-What is Nationalism?

The first thing we studied was the definition of Nationalism.  Take a look at the question/answer from Yahoo
Answers.  How does the definition compare to the definition we looked at in class.  Is it the exactly same?  If not, how is it different?  Do you think that the answer provided is helpful?  You may also notice the importance of proof reading before you hit submit:) Feel free to comment.

What's this all about?

The purpose of this blog is to help you prepare for your Unit Exams and Final Exam. It is good practice to review material on an ongoing basis and avoid cramming the night before an exam.  It is my hope that you get in the habit of doing the activities once they are posted.  These activities will not be necessarily time consuming.  In fact, they will be quick reminders of the important concepts we studied.  I also hope you find this a more effective form of review.  It is important to also realize that this is one thing that I am doing to help you succeed.  You must also take some ownership and do other things to study as well.

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